Friday, August 14, 2009

Soalan Bangang dari En. Hafiz- Jawapan sebenar

saper nama ibu bapa transformers..?

saper nama kakak transformers..? -

transformers pegi jalan² naik apa..?
Public transport

kalo nk balik kampung.. transformers biasanya naik apa..?
Bas Trasnasional

p/s: aku dapat jwb 1 soalan je yang tepat....hahaha.ynag lg aku dapat tepat, tapok pale si En. Hafiz yang luas mata memandang tu....hahahahahah

Langkah...demi Langkah.....

Hari ni bukan la hari yang bersejarah pon pada mana mana negara di dunia ni...
pad aku je yang penting.....
sb pada tarikh ni la 2 taun lepas aku mulekan career aku...

it so tought you realized that nothing even not a bit what i've learnt that usefull in my career...all of those things i have to start again from start....
gaji tosah cite apa yang aku bangga,....kompani cina nak bg aku peluang n kebebasan utk aku berkarya....aku start dlu pon kompani ni baru je bukak jgn harap la ko nak mintak pe2 yang fancy....nak naek gaji pon susah..

spanjang aku keje ni, ramai yang telah gugur akibat kekurangan gaji yang pade aku aku happy wlupon lumrah manusia nakkan lebih dari apa yang ada....aku pon tak terkecuali...nak perbaiki ruang lingkup idop pepaham je lah.... kat sni la aku blaja semuenye...kesusaha...blaja mcm bdk baru masok U...mende pon tak tau.....sampikan business management pon kau blaja.......

anyway...aku mmg tak dapat lg pe yang aku least tak la menyusahkan idop orang mase aku tak keje dlu...

kat manepon kesusahan idop tu tetap akan dirasai..kaye mane pon..klu tak hapi...aku rase tak bermakne kot...cume langkah kene teguh,perlakuan kene jujur...ikhlas dalam pekerjaan...insyaallay sume akn menjadi kenyataan...

pada sesiapa yang tengah blaja....ingatlah ushe utk dapatkan pengalaman..jangan sombong...troskan pejuangan...doa bebanyak insyaallah sume akn termakbul...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Soalan bangang dari En. Hafiz

saper nama ibu bapa transformers..?
Mr. Transformers
Mrs. Transformers

saper nama kakak transformers..? -

Ms. transformers

transformers pegi jalan² naik apa..?


kalo nk balik kampung.. transformers biasanya naik apa..?

Bas Trasnasional

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ooops...TAG me bebeh one more time

1. 3 names in your Inbox cellphone?
-en hafiz
-en sahrul
-Maxis- you have unsufficient balane

2. Your main ringtone?
-apa yang penting...kerja sama-wonderpets...hahahah

3. What u did at 12 last nite?
- wat single albun yang tak tau ble nak releast...hahaha

4. Who was the last person u went out with?
-melaka- wat inspection ngan bos aku

5. The color of the shirt you're wearing now?
-men in black

6. The last thing u did?
-drawing utk melaka

7. 3 of your everyday favorite items?
-suria batang
-tosai garing
-kete aku

8. The color of your bedroom?
-putih suci sesuci diri aku ini..ahaksss

9. How much money in your wallet now?
-rm 15.oo

10. How's life?
-bug's life..

11. Your favourite song?
-sume lagu yang aku men sendi nagn baby aku kat umah...(smalam aku mimpi die ilang o...waaaaaaa)

12. What will u do next weekend?
-dok umah la..sape la yang sudi nak ajk aku kua

13. When was the last time you saw your mom?
-suboh td

14. Where is she now?
- kat tempat keje la...mane lagi

15. When was the last time you talked to your parents?
- malam td..bincng pasal politik

6. Who is the last person that texted u?
-en hafiz...sebok sroh wat tag

17. Where did you have your dinner last night?
-RnR Alor gajah

18. The last surprise you got?
-nothing....En Hafiz taknak kawan ngan aku takde la suprise
aku bg orang suprise de la

19. Last thing you borrowed from your friends?
-brodband en Sarip

20. Who is ur bf/gf or husband/wife?
-lu orang cari la utk korang knal la...hahahah

21. What do you feel now?
-nak marah

22. Wanna share with who?
-ade ke yang nak share kemarahan???

23. Who knows your secret?
-secret recepies

24. They keep your secret?
-very secret untill no one can compete wif they lovly cake

25. Are you angry with someone? janji jgn bgtau orang len tau....
emmm tak jd la nak bg tau....hahaha

26. What do you order at McD?
suku paun dgan air kopi tanpa gula

27. The last time you felt so sad?
-pg aku mimpi baby aku ilang..

28. What is your wish for tomorrow?
-klu esok ade utk aku.....

29. Wish to tag?
nop...coz slalu aku je yang last kne tag

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
zizan raja lawak..n aku pn glakkan dri aku sendri

2. What were you doing at 0800?
atas katil, baru bangun tido n main.....gitar...hahah

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
bukak pc aku

4. What happened to you in 2006?
lot, lots, lotest

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
macam mana ko tanam pokok ni!!!!!

6. How many beverages did you have today?
just a zipp of zero water

8. What was the last thing you paid?
suria batang satu pakcik!!!

9. Where were you last night?
home sweet home

11. Where do you keep your change?
tak penah ade change..abih sume

12. What's the weather like today?
moodly as always

13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
same ngan en Sahrul...aiskrim cap malaysia...hohoho

14. What excites you?
Ble En. Hafiz kate nak umbrella me tu Bandung (fully sponsored

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
for the time being...tak kott

16. Are you over the age of 25?
Abang..saye baru je 15 thn..

17. Do you talk a lot?
kalu bahan2nye spt En.Hafiz, En. Sofian, Cik Mas, En. Fakrulrazi n En. Sarip, di gaul rapi, diletakkan sedikit garam secukup rasa...mmg la banyak cakap...ahahahahaha (dose pon banyak gak ngutok orang)

18. Do you watch CSI?
sometimes..mostly the playback

19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
Steven (stephen) Chow- Chow sin Chi-MOO MAN TAI

20. Do you make up your own words?
yup...Who is our son (recently drirect tranlation.thanks to E.Sahrul MOM)

21. Are you a jealous person?
not right now

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ' J '?
Jahanam ko En.Hafiz...kan dari uruf J gak.

23. Name a friend whose name stars with the letter ' H '?
Hampeh ko En.Hafiz.

24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
Mak aku

25. Three non family members that you love most
aku, dia dan kamu semua

26. What does the last text message your received say?
Tomolo inspection, please get ready wif drawing

27. Do you chew on your straw?
nop..jus like to twist it

28. Do you have curly hair?

29. Where's the next place you're going to?ni bila?
Mid valley-G.I Joe

30. Who's the rudest person in life?
waja WKD...rase cam nak $%#^^&^$%#$$%*&

31. What was the last thing you ate?
chewing gum

32. Will you get married in the future?
Somewhere over the rainbow

33. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
God Must Be crazy- the whole sets...

34. Is there anyone you like right now?
lots la...ramai pe like me...gemok...hahahaha..en. Hafiz pon menuju ke arah itu

35. When was the last time you did the last wishes?

36. What was your wishes?
the best for everybody

37. Are you currently depressed?
not at all...hahahah...see im smiling what...hahaha

38. Did you cry today? why?
not at all

39. If you can only have 1 thing in this world, what should that be?
aku nak tanggung mak n ayah aku....

40. If you can only kill one person in this world, who is the person? why?
takkan kot sbb Agen CSI En. Hafiz terlalu hebat...skejap je die dpt tangkap

Monday, August 3, 2009

Satu Senyuman Demi Satu Senyuman.

Kadang kala aku mula memikirkan arah tuju idup ini...rase can enjin kereta lama je...lambat panas...nak capai top speed lagi la.....tgk kengkawan aku yang len...ade yang nak beli rumah..tak kurang gak yang nak buat rumah tangga n ade gak yang sebok nak wat tangga lagi satu...hahaha.

Tapi kau hapy untuk dorang.. aku lampirkan satu senyuman....

Lepas aku mula berpikir semula..bile plak giliran aku.....mungkin sume ni mainan benak akal yang selalu menhakis sereberum aku ni...kekadang sakit gak pale ble di ingatkan..
bolayan la sume tu...janji aku tetus tersenyum...sakit atau tidah senyuman itu memberi aku terapi dalam setiap langkah aku..
satu lagi senyuman di situ.

aku happy dgn idop skang ni...bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.....thaks to kamu semua....
setiap langkah aku mula hamparkan senyuman..

kali ni entah berapa banyak la senyuman yang aku percikkan....
